JSCB “Turonbank” also took an active part in the events held in Uzbekistan as part of the “Global money week”. In particular, in the secondary schools attached to Turonbank, qualified teachers and bank employees conducted open lessons in the form of practical training in order to improve the financial knowledge of students and develop their skills in financial matters.

At the same time, meetings were held with students in Kashkadarya, Syrdarya and Tashkent regions together with the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Turonbank and many partner organizations. Presentations on Digital Banking, Deposits, Loans and interactive banking services were organized for them, and questions and answers were held among young people.
In addition, Turonbank also held “The best lesson on financial literacy” contest among teachers. Applications from many teachers came to the competition, and all of them were considered one by one by the commission established in the financial institution, among which 3 best teachers were selected.

The winners of “The best lesson on financial literacy” contest:

1st place: Bibikhan Moldagalieva,teacher of Economics of school No. 5 in Shumanay District

2nd place: Ozoda Jabborova,teacher of Informatics of school No. 3 in Gijduvan District of Bukhara region

3rd place:Shokhida Munduzova, teacher of Mathematics of school No. 41 in Kurgantepa district of Andijan region

The winners will be awarded with valuable prizes by JSCB “Turonbank”.